
The Constant Student

Update No. 2 – Behind the Constant Studen

Published over 2 years ago • 3 min read

Hey guys,

Testing this out as a way to streamline a lot of the updates for the Community/Ecosystem build.

Last time I talked about our roadmap for the community, and some changes with the shift of platform.

🤑 Monetising Your Mission (Free Email Course)

Have stepped out this free, 10-part course delivered over email... in my humble opinion it's more valuable than most courses on the market.

We're figuring this will be a very easy way to engage new people with a very high quality value-add that costs them nothing, but helps to begin educating them on the power of community.

I surprisingly loved writing out this content, and I have pretty strong vibes I will turn this style into an ongoing value-based newsletter format for Constant Student. I will be very eager to get feedback on this course and it's writing style.

🤑 Kickstart Your Exponential Career Course → Challenge

'Kickstart your Exponential Career' → rethinking this from being a course, and more of a challenge. I want to find the healthy between from a static course to a dynamic, interactive experience that propels people through a meaningful transformation from the usual inherited ideas to a deep understanding of self, opportunity and possibility.

I recorded a voice note on Otter last night going over the thinking behind this concept – I'll save you the full ramble, but here's a snippet:

📋 'The whole premise is that you can start from zero... no one starts from 'zero' of course but it's what they think is zero, i.e. no real-world experience, recognition, credibility – you can quickly develop and make world class inroads. You can monetise yourself independently and begin working on very high impact projects, get in touch with great people... all by starting with very specific intrinsic interests, no matter how bizarre or unique they are.

🚚 Still trucking away at Community platform changes

We have a whole stack of community changes coming up to the platform, how it's housed, and how we drive the interactions we want. Pat Quigley, Constant Student No. 4, was integral to making this happen. I'll roll this out and drive feedback.

Here are some of the ideas in note-form:

  • Demo video for people on the website when they go to join
  • Enabling people to either apply to enter the community or begin with our Exponential Career Challenge
  • Having a 30-day free trial of the community
  • One-on-one call with a community member when they sign up, who introduces them to 3x community members that make sense to connect with!
  • An onboarding form that redirects them to prepared content pieces and recommendations based on their biggest current pain point... e.g. romantic relationships, launching a project but don't know where to start, etc.

We've definitely slowed down by having the remarkable Liam Hounsell away on his 10-day silent retreat! Now that he's back I've tasked him with being the lead on getting our new community home up-and-running on Circle.

Key challenges with the change include:

  • Existing members and payments enrolled on old platform (communicate value of new platform and offer free trial)
  • Thinking about the experience we want people to have, enabling a smooth activation in the community and not getting lost, which is so easy to do in a new online space (very disorientating at first).
  • Feature heavy – with so many levers to pull and things to customise, from a community manager's perspective it's a bit of work getting this architected and determining what 'meets spec' to get started!

🥫 I've also been thinking a lot about brand...

It came from using my brother's Disney+ account a bit over the last week and reminiscing about some of the films and shows I watched as a child. I thought, 'wow, the Disney brand is something special isn't it'. I thought that, Constant Student should be reaching for the same sort of stars with our brand and how we communicate.

I've come across a lot of alternative education / entrepreneurial initiatives that have a similar look and feel to Constant Student, but I can't help but notice when I engage with their web page I have a rather stagnant experience... I don't connect.

Not that there's anything wrong with what these are people, but it makes me think about the interaction I want people to have when they engage Constant Student. It should mean something, it should lift people's spirits, make them connect with that thing deep inside.

Anyway, there's an exciting idea brewing for a branding campaign... I'll keep tight lipped for now but bring it to you when we're ready!

Regards Joe – The Doorman

Constant Student #1

👋🌊 Any questions? Concerns? Confusion? Ideas? Reply, I'd love to chat more!

The Constant Student

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